in the Botanic Garden including the Chinese Garden

Amateur photography

Photographing and Filming for private, non-commercial purposes is permitted and free of charge in the Botanic Garden of the Ruhr-University Bochum as long as no professional effort and gear is involved. How we define "professional effort", please see "Professional Photography & Filming".

Professional Photography & Filming

As "professional shootings" we regard all activities involving photography or filming...

  • carried out for the production of photos and/or film footage for marketing (print or internet) and/or for commercial purposes.
  • which make use of artificial light sources which are separate from the camera (incl. reflectors).
  • which are carried out by commercial photographers.

Please note: Professional shootings do not necessarily have to be commercial shootings. In any case, professional shootings require a written permission by the garden administration and are subject to a fee. The written permission has to be carried along on the day of the shooting and shown to garden staff upon request.

Rates for professional shootings:

Non-commercial shootings up to a duration of 3 hours max.: 150,- €
Every additional hour of part thereof is charged at 50,- €.

  • The photos/footage is not taken by a commercial photographer.
  • The photos/footage is not used for marketing purposes in print or digitally (on the internet).

Commercial shootings up to a duration of 5 hours max.: 300,- €

  • Every additional hour of part thereof is charged at 60,- €.
  • Directly or indirectly, the images/footage is produced for commercial purposes by commercial photographers. This includes professional wedding photography, corporate commissions, portfolio extensions as well as marketing in print or digital form (internet).

Exceptions: In well-founded cases, e.g. if the photography/filming also serve the interests of the Botanic Garden or Chinese Garden, the fee can be waived.

How to apply for a licence

In order to apply for a written permission to carry out photography or filming in the Botanic Garden, please fill in our application form (PDF) and send it to our office. If your application is granted, you will receive written permission from the Botanic Garden administration to carry out your shooting. The agreed fee will be collected via invoice after the shooting has taken place. Applications should be submitted at least two weeks in advance. Cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours before the booked appointment otherwise the full fee is due, even if no shooting has taken place.